Past events
Welcome Address
Hon. Kingsley Aboagye Gyedu
Global trends in the quality of healthcare
Peter Lachman
Translating Quality Improvement from Theory to Action: Eight Practical ways to Improve Care
Peter Lachman
Making Safety a Reality Practical Solutions for Africa Seven Steps to Safety
Peter Lachman
Ghana National Healthcare
Quality Strategy
The Role of Standards
in Quality Improvement
Prof Emmanuel Oladipo Otolorin
SafeCare Program Overview
Bonifacia Benefo Agyei
The challenges in delivering
patient-focused care in Africa
​Prof Jaiyesimi
RADICAL QI framework
Leroy Edozien
SQHN Experience in setting up a Quality system in Nigeria
Pan African Quality Institute
Ernest Kanyoke
Download the presentations given at the AFRIQHER Conference 2018

1-2 February 2018
The Movenpick Ambassador Hotel, Accra, Ghana
A 5-star hotel located within the city centre business district and only 7km from the airport.
Introduction to Quality Improvement. African perspectives
of quality in healthcare -
Quality Improvement methods
Patient empowerment and partnership
Collecting and analysing quality metrics
Challenges of implementation
Assessing impact
Sustaining quality
Researching Quality Improvement
Medical education and Quality Improvement
Role of a continent-wide network in sharing and disseminating learning
Case studies